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At Emergent Crown, we recognise our responsibility to the environment and commit to protect, both locally and globally. We are committed to implementing environmental sustainability to benefit future generations, the local economy and community. Sustainability has a significant role within the company and we aim to include sustainable development in all of our practices.

It is our policy of Emergent Crown to provide its customers with a high quality product, manufactured to the specified standards of quality and performance as laid down in our Quality Management System certified to ISO 9001. We are proud to have received certification for membership of the Furniture Industry Sustainability Programme (FISP); the mark of sustainable excellence within the furniture industry. We have recognised that through our operations and the activities of our suppliers that we inevitably impact on the environment.

Through regular environmental reviews and audits we have highlighted the use of raw materials, energy use and the production and disposal of waste, including end disposal of product, as the main aspects of our activities. We will routinely assess these significant aspects and set targets to ensure continual improvement of our environmental performance using ‘ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems 2015’ as a framework.

The Company will ensure that proper managerial, technical and administrative controls will operate in order enable this policy to be maintained. We will seek to incorporate the use of processes, practices, materials or products that are compatible with our commitment to prevention of pollution.

The Company will comply with all relevant current environmental legislation, regulations and any other requirements of industry best practise. Through the Environmental Management System we will assess new requirements and where appropriate achieve compliance.

Emergent Crown will ensure that all personnel working on our behalf is fully aware of the policy requirements within the Environmental Management System and staff will receive appropriate training so that each individual understands the environmental aspects, impacts and pollution control instructions of their job function. Management will review this policy on a regular basis.

This policy encompasses relationships with our suppliers with whom we will promote improved environmental performance through communication of our policy and objectives. The policy will also be communicated to our customers and is available to the public when requested.

To download the Emergent Crown Quality and Environmental Policy - Please click here

To download the Emergent Crown ISO14001 Certification - Please click here