The selection of Emergent Crown for the Provision of Office Furniture enables the University to obtain a rapid response for business critical items of furniture and services via competitive pricing process.
Author John Newcombe Head of Procurement & Accounts Payable Finance
Cranfield University

As a specialist postgraduate university, Cranfield University’s world-class expertise, large-scale facilities and unrivalled industry partnerships are creating leaders in technology and management globally. Emergent Crown were select as the Sole Supplier for the Provision of Office Furniture to the University and its wider industry network situated on the estate.

The furniture that Emergent Crown provide to Cranfield University includes:
  • Teaching and Learning Environments
  • Breakout Furniture
  • Standard Office Furniture
  • Protective Screens
  • Acoustic Pods
  • Swivel and Othopaedic Chairs
For Cranfield University Customers to log in and view their specific pricing, then please click on the logo below:"
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